📄️ Reporting Center
Reporting server refers to the “Reporting Center” setting item mentioned in configure the south devices rules. the number is associated to server \ setting. For example, if configure reporting center as 1 in south device rule, it will report to server1, if configured as 1-2-3, it will report to server1, server2, and server3 in parallel.
📄️ Modbus Slave
It refers to Elastel gateway act as Modbus Slave for Northbound Modbus Master (like SCADA) to fetch the data which gateway collected from south devices. The data was organized by “Tag Name” which configured in south device rule.
📄️ OPCUA Server
It is for configuring Elastel gateway act as OPC UA Server for Northbound OPCUA client to fetch the data which gateway collected from south devices rules.
📄️ BACnet Server
It is for configuring Elastel gateway act as BACnet Server for Northbound BACnet client to fetch the data which gateway collected from south devices rules. It supports BACnet/IP or BACnet/MSTP communication protocols between BACnet server and client.
📄️ DNP3 Server
It is for configuring Elastel gateway act as DNP3 Server for Northbound DNP3 client to fetch the data which gateway collected from south devices. The data was organized by “Tag Name” which configured in south device rule.